This particular train of thought begins on Friday, the day I decided to single handedly jump-start the economy. Nothing to do+pay day+Lindsey needs a little attention= Shopping spree!
Nothing major, just $20 worth of embroidery floss to get me started on "The Last Supper", some groceries, a ceramic hair-straightener, a little Jasmine Vanilla indulgence, some sunglasses, work shoes, play shoes and oh that maple sugar flavored lip gloss which was a complete necessity! Ohh I would be a bad socialist.
(Watch as I now try to justify my shopping)
When I'm at work, I love actually being able to do my job. I love it when someone actually lets me help them, lets me suggest items that may work and gives me a challenge to solve. So, my role as a shopper is to allow people to do their jobs in such a way that they can feel good about themselves at the end of the day.
Take my new favorite barista at Starbucks on Saturday-
After taking my order for a tall soy raspberry latte and a piece of iced lemon pound cake, he asked for my name.
"Lindsey" I responded
"Oh! Lindsey! How have you been?" he exclaimed. He then dug a little deeper into the pile of pound cake in the case to find me one that wasn't dried out.
I have no idea who this guy was, but perhaps that Starbucks re-training that happened last month actually did some good. I think maybe I'm going to start pretending to know people at Pier 1, see if that ups my sales (or just confuses people). At the very least I'm going to continue to give people the sort of customer service I enjoy, even when they get annoyed with me. Someday someone just like me will walk in to my store and appreciate the attention I'm willing to give.
If a girl's going to change the world, she'd better have some cute shoes to do it in. So thank you, Nordstrom's sales guy for running back and forth to the stock room all those times and putting up with my indecisiveness. You rock.

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