I blame my recent atrocious streak of solipsism for my current fit of pique.
Tonight's disconcerting realization at Panera- I might actually be a nihilist.
"We believe in nothing Lebowski!"
So in an attempt to save myself from epistemological peril and to thwart off a second existential crisis, I'm embarking on a odyssey with Esther Lightcap Meek and her book "Longing to Know". It should make for some enthralling posts. Perhaps she shall be my personal thaumaturge.
This ambivalence is arduous...as are these $10 words. Ha!
Second thought for the evening: I'm better at listening than I am at sharing. I'm better at writing my thoughts and feelings than I am at speaking them. I could email you, but I've never wanted to be THAT girl. Oh but wait. I am.
I think you're piggy backing off my crisis. I started the discussion asking if I had become a nihilist. ;)
So this thaumaturge is better than the student/teacher paradigm we poo poo'ed tonight at Panera?
Speaking of $10 words, verisimilitude - "is the state or quality of something that exhibits the appearance of truth or reality."
In response to your second thought:
You and me both.
My vote: be the best damned "that girl" you can be.
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