Admit it, you love the reveal, the's slightly voyeuristic and a lot easier than reading. Consider this my present to you for Monday morning.
Last night I was privy to the awesome experience of a ShawnDateTM. For those of you not lucky enough to know what a ShawnDateTM is, basically Shawn comes up with some creative wacky idea for a date, assures you it will be absolutely lame and then won't tell you what it is even if you beg and plead and try to trick him into it. Normally I hate surprises, but this one was definitely worth it.
It was (*drum roll please*)....
(You're probably rolling your eyes and saying "Whaaa?" But truth is, when I was little I wanted to be a Muppeteer/marry Jim Henson's son so this was an incredibly exciting adventure for this nerd. :-) )
That's right ladies and gentlemen, last night we embarked on a four hour sock puppet making extravaganza. I'll break it down for you, just in case you want to make your own...
First, cut the toe off the sock and insert a cardboard piece for the mouth
It's also important that you make a mess of your living room and eat only jelly beans while creating your sock puppet.
(If you could see the clock you could tell it says something like 2 am...Operations do best late at night when everything is an entertaining, brilliant idea)
Some how my parrot puppet took 3rd place in the Operation: Puppetstravaganza competition.
Yeah, I don't know either...